After you have received the item(s) you ordered, you may carefully examine and try the item(s) within the period of 50 days, but only in a manner as you would if you examined the products in a store.
If you wish to return your order, please email us at to initiate the return process. Once you notify us, we will provide you with a return label and the address for the return shipment. We aim to respond within 24 hours.
When returning items, ensure they are:
1. Securely packed in the original packaging.
2. Enclosed in protective wrapping.
Important: Do not attach an address label directly to the item or its original packaging.
You are responsible for returning the item in its original state and original packaging. If this is not the case, you should expect a reduction in the refund amount due to the loss of value of the item. The item(s) you want to return are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse. Damage done while returning/shipping the product to our warehouse is your responsibility. Therefore it is important that you please make sure to pack the return safely. Please keep receipts and tracking numbers as proof of sending the item(s) back.
We recommend using insured parcel shipping, as you are responsible for the item(s) until we receive them. Unfortunately, we do not accept COD shipments or packages sent via DAO. Additionally, we do not pick up packages from parcel shops, nor packages sent to our headquarter.
Please note that we do not cover return shipping costs. For larger orders we can help arrange the shipping, but the expenses would still need to be paid by you.
Refunds are issued to the credit card used for payment within 7 days of receiving the returned items in new condition. If the item is not returned in its original packaging or has signs of use, a deduction may be made to account for its reduced value.
If the product can be re-sold as new, we will give you a full refund of the purchase price, including the original shipping charges for the item(s) that you return to us. But we do not cover the return shipping cost. We reserve the right to refuse returns of item(s) that are not in new-like condition because of misuse or damage caused by a customer. Please keep in mind that furniture is vulnerable to damage during shipping. Therefore it's very important that you please keep and use the original packaging materials for any item(s) you wish to return.
If an agreement for a refund has been made, please send your bank details to, and we will process the transfer.
MAK MISHO does not exchange item(s). If you wish to exchange an item, please return it and we will refund the amount. Afterwards you can place your order on the desired item.
1. Notify by email on within 50 days after receiving your order that you want to return something. We will provide you with a return-label.
2. Send your item(s) and the original packaging back to us within 14 days from your notification.
3. Fill out the return form from your email, and please put it in the box along with the item(s) you want to return.
4. The return shipment cost must be paid by you, and is not covered by MAK MISHO ApS.
5. You will receive your refund within 7 days after we have received the returned item in a new-like state.
6. If the item(s) are not received in their original packaging and in the same condition as you received it, a deduction can be made in your refund similar to the decrease of the value of the item(s).
The return address will be provided by us on e-mail.
We promise you that we will be well-behaved and only send the really good MAK MISHO stuff ㋡
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